Standard Website
A standard website usually contains some basic information about your organization or business. This is your place to make a first impressions for people that are ready to learn about you. Having a Facebook Page or an Instagram account are great, but, they are not the same as a website. A website is the most basic foundation you need to start with for a web presence.
A standard website typically contains some basic pages that people have come to expect:
- Main landing page
- Products / Services offered
- About Us
- Contact Us
Shop Enabled / eCommerce Website
Imagine having a sales person selling your products or services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! That is exactly what an eCommerce website will do for you.
Consumers expect to be able to read about your products / services at their leisure, and when they are ready to purchase they expect to be able to do so immediately – it doesn’t mater what day or time it is. An eCommerce website will accept orders and safely accept payments. You will then be notified about the purchase immediately.
Many businesses which sell products or services have determined that web sales are a true miracle.
- Sell your products or services 24/7
- A safe way to accept payments (PCI compliant)
- Modify pricing any time
- Keep track of inventory